New Freddy Krueger Figures Announced!
New Freddy Krueger figure announcements this week:
#FreddyKrueger gets the #Poptaters #MrPotatoHead treatment! Entertainment Earth posted the following: “From a Fried-Mare on Elm Street! Everybody’s favorite sharp-gloved spud is now the A #NightmareonElmStreet Freddy Kruger Poptaters Mr. Potato Head. Take a stab at decorating your desk with the sportiest, scariest, starchiest tater in the produce section. Just don’t turn your back on him!” Mr. Potato Head is slated for October 2015 release.
Additionally, BigBadToyStore posted the new 8″ Retro Cloth #DreamWarriors Freddy #figure! Here’s what they say: “From the cult classic Nightmare on Elm Street horror films, our newest retro clothed action figure is Freddy as he appeared in Part 3: Dream Warriors! Freddy stands 8″ tall and is dressed in fabric clothing similar to the iconic toy lines of the 1970s. He’s fully poseable and truly terrifying—just lift his sweater to see the tortured spirits trapped in his Chest of Souls! Removable hat included. Blister packaging with resealable protective clamshell features custom artwork created by Jason Edmiston just for this release!” Dream Warriors Freddy is also slated for October 2015 release.
#horror #toys #collectables #merchandise #scary