Nancy Thompson is chic!
Another Nightmare on Elm Street reference appeared in this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly (#974). In the article, “Heroine Chic” by Diablo Cody, Cody examines the top six “killer onscreen heroines.”
Surprisingly, Nancy Thompson from A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, and (loosely) Wes Craven’s New Nightmare appears on the list. She is ranked with other film heroines like, Laurie Strode (Halloween), Ellen Ripley (Alien), and Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of OZ). This is what Cody says about everyone’s favorite Nightmare heroine:
“Admit it: If Johnny Depp was your neighbor, you know you’d make sure your hair looked its fluffiest too. Also, Nancy gets points for rocking jammies and dark under-eye circles – and long before rehab chic was hip.”