#Freddy Faceoff Results Are Here!

Posted on: March/4/2014 1:04 PM

“Freddy Faceoff” is a poll series conducted by this website via its social media channels. Nightmare on Elm Street fans are given a choice between two options and asked to vote for the one they prefer most. The infograph below contains the results from the first round of poll questions. If you would like to participate in future Freddy Faceoff polls, be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

Quick Results

  • 70% of fans prefer the original Freddy Krueger (when compared to The Dream Master)
  • 88% think Dream Warriors is superior to The Dream Master
  • 55% would skip re-watching Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare over The Dream Child
  • 82% voted Nancy their favorite lead heroine over Alice
  • 79% think Glen’s death was more iconic when compared to Jennifer’s
  • 50% tied vote on which 1428 Elm Street is best: the original or the “haunted” version in sequels

Click the infograph to view the enlarged version!