Forum No More

Posted on: June/11/2019 4:00 PM

We are extremely saddened to announce that after 15 years of lively discourse, the website forum is no more. Unfortunately, the forum’s database became corrupt and is unable to be restored.

Our heartfelt and sincere thanks to those have taken their personal time to moderate the forum over the years, with special recognition to Esten, Ricky, Diandra, and Robb.

We also want to thank all the fans who have shared their views, news, and more during the course of these many years.

Some of you may have questions which we will try to address here:

* What about my forum posts? Sadly, all forum posts have been lost.

* What happens to the website now? No changes; it remains active and live with continual updates.

* Is there a way to comment or discuss Nightmare on Elm Street topics? Sure, you can comment and discuss on any website posting—see the bottom of this one.

* Are you going to create a new website forum? Maybe. Given the circumstances, we leave this decision to the fans. See the poll below and vote! If you want to see a new website forum, we will make it happen.

Should the Nightmare on Elm Street Companion create a new website forum?

Definiately — I loved this website’s forum!
No — I rely on social media…

After you vote, please comment below with your thoughts or reconnect with forum pals.

R.I.P. Nightmare on Elm Street Forum 2004–2019

