Since all last week ive been binge watching Season 1 of Freddy's Nightmares on Tubi and late last night just started watching the first episode of Season 2.
Now, other people say that Freddy never showed up in any of the episodes... that is a damn lie. Those people never even watched the show at all.
First season there are some episodes that Freddy gets involved because of No More Mr Nice Guy and Sister's Keeper and even the Tricks and Treats episode. Then reporters etc start snooping around or whatever trying to help people with their nightmares etc and thats when Freddy really starts to come after people.
And the show really does get a bit raunchy with the sexy ladies and gory and graphic with the deaths even when Freddy kills some of the people.
Back then i only remember the cannibals love triangle thing going on and the weird mime that's a robber.
also there was one episode thats probably from Season 2 its where a guy at the end of some episode, weird spikes or whatever protrude out of his face or body.