A Nightmare on Elm Street / Re: Is it required to watch the movies in order?
« on: January 04, 2025, 11:28:45 PM »It seems like everyone hates NOES 2 so I think I should just skip it and go straight to 3 after watching the originalI think part 2 is actually better received now than what it was back in 1985. And to be honest, I love part 2. It’s dark, it’s creepy, and Freddy’s makeup is probably the best in that one (along with part 3 and 4). I know that the film has been criticised in the past for its “homoerotic tone”, but it’s still pretty creepy. And Freddy is not a “comedian” in the second one, unlike in some of the later films when he literally becomes a stand-up comedian! The pool-party scene when Lisa’s father shoots at Freddy, and he starts hissing angrily and has that evil look on his face, still freaks me out a bit to this day.
Is there any plot carried over from 2 to 3?
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